Release Notes
Release Notes
From March 2023 onwards, you will find the Yonder Release Notes (in English) available in the new ‘Yonder Knowledge Base’ (link here).
21.02.2023 – Yonder Web Release 7.2.2
Yonder Reader
From now on the notifications will be displayed in the dashboard under „Notifications“ when the document is visible in the Yonder Reader.
02.02.2023 – Yonder Web Release 7.2.1
The IQSMS Importer tab now shows the number of available regulations in a blue box.
Please see image for details. - The regulation IDs have been added and are displayed separately in a dedicated column. In case of an inconsistency the regulation including its amendment will be marked red.
Please see image for details.
The regulations ID can be used for simplified troubleshooting. - The import validator has been improved and will now check for removed and added paragraphs (module versions) in the latest imported version.
If the user decides to still import the amendment a warning message will be displayed. A new document in Yonder will be created.
Please see image for details. - Imported IQSMS regulations are no longer visible in the dashboard, except for users with a respective role. They can be accessed by all users via the link in other documents
- The interface has been adjusted to ensure that only effective document versions are available (archived, hidden or draft document versions are not available any more).
- Yonder Content Manager
- Tags are applied after the diff import as specified in the manifest file of the import package.
- Released documents should not be editable any more. For certain use cases, e.g. update reused content, tags this edit function is necessary. A dedicated role can be given.
Please contact your Account Manager for details.
31.01.2023 – Yonder iOS App Release 7.2.0
Highlights and Notes
- Improved performance when saving a note to a highlight. The saving of the note content has been adjusted. With the new release the note content is saved when the user closes the note editor.
Tags on Document Revision
- With the new release tags will be saved on document revisions. That means that tags on a module can be different in different revisions of a document, irrespective if the module has been changed or not. Thus the tag settings in released documents are stable and integrated in the App.
26.01.2023 – Yonder Web Release 7.2.0
Summary e-mails
- Summary e-mails can be disabled per customer.
Please contact your Account Manager if you want to disable the summary e-mail.
Yonder Content Manager
Tags on Document Revision
With the new release tags will be saved on document revisions. That means that tags on a module can be different in different revisions of a document, irrespective if the module has been changed or not. Thus the tag settings in released documents are stable.
The interface has been adjusted to ensure that only effective document versions are available (draft document versions are not available any more).
In some cases the scrolling to the end of a list of IQSMS documents did not show the last entries of the list. Now all items are displayed when scrolling to the end of the list.
16.01.2023 – Yonder Web Release 7.1.2
User Authentication
Under certain conditions users with names containing special characters experienced login issues and were redirected to the login page. This bug has been fixed.
11.01.2023 – Yonder Web Release 7.1.1
Yonder Content Manager
User Management
When the limit of available licenses was exceeded and a new user was created an error could occur. This bug has been fixed.
Under certain conditions the import job of an IQSMS document failed. This bug has been fixed.
22.12.2022 – Yonder Web Release 7.1.0
Yonder Reader
Notification Center
With this new feature the “My Tasks” card is replaced by the “Notifications” card.
There is a notification for a “New document” and “New revision” where the number of total and open tasks per document is shown.
Notifications can be deleted, once all tasks have been done. Please see image for details. -
When you open a document from the Notification Center all tasks related to this revision are displayed in two tabs “Open” and “Done”.
When clicking on a task the module is shown in the diffing view containing the “previous” and “new” content. Please see image for details.
All tasks will remain accessible, even if already acknowledged or read.
The e-mail notification has been changed. Once the document has been released the e-mail is sent to the users. The e-mail now contains a link to the revised document.
My Workflow
- The “My Workflow” card has been renamed to “Workflow”.
- The ”Notifications” tab under “Workflow” has been renamed in “Updates”.
- Change Request
- The proposal text of a Change Request can be adapted by multiple users. Thereby the proposal is now locked and a message is displayed if another user tries to edit the proposal text.
- Bug fix
- In some cases the comparison view in a Change Request did not open. This bug has been fixed.
08.12.2022 – Yonder iOS App Release 7.0.2
With the last release a bug occurred. In some cases the app was crashing and pdf documents were not available. This bug has been fixed.
06.12.2022 – Yonder Web Release 7.0.1
This release is necessary to support the Yonder iOS App Version 7.0.0.
06.12.2022 – Yonder iOS App Release 7.0.0
Highlights & Notes
The Highlights & Notes which are created in the Yonder Reader are now displayed in the Yonder iOS App.
You cannot create new Highlights & Notes within the iOS App.
All Highlights & Notes of a document are listed in a dedicated side bar. Notes are marked with a small icon next to the Highlight.
The feature “Highlights & Notes” is supported in both day- and night-mode.
Highlights & Notes will not be transferred to a new revision, but they will still be available in the old version.
Please refer to your Account Manager for more details.
Folders for Favorites
With the new Yonder version the user can group favorites in personally defined folders.
The Folders are synchronized between the Yonder Online and Offline reader.
Beside chapters it is now possible to set a document as a Favorite.
Please refer to your Account Manager for more details.
24.11.2022 – Yonder Web Release 7.0.0
Yonder Reader
Highlights & Notes
The Highlights & Notes which are created in the Yonder Reader are now displayed in the Yonder iOS App.
You cannot create new Highlights & Notes within the iOS App.
All Highlights & Notes of a document are listed in a dedicated side bar. Notes are marked with a small icon next to the Highlight.
The feature “Highlights & Notes” is supported in both day- and night-mode.
Highlights & Notes will not be transferred to a new revision, but they will still be available in the old version.
Folders for Favorites
With the new Yonder version you can group favorites in personally defined Folders. See image for details.
The Folders are synchronized between the Yonder Online and Offline reader (after the Yonder iOS App Release 7.0.0).
Beside chapters it is now possible to set a document as a Favorite.
Please refer to your Account Manager for more details.
Display of pictures. Error message: bad request 400
- There was an issue that e.g. pictures could not be uploaded, were not displayed correctly or styling was lost, when the user had too many roles in Yonder. This bug has been fixed.
Our Yonder Rebranding
- All our tenants are now accessible also with a * URL.
The old * URLs will remain unchanged and fully functional. You can use both URLs without any limitations.
08.11.2022 – Yonder iOS App Release 6.3.2
File Drop
When a file is assigned to a user in File Drop, the assigned user has access to the file, regardless of other roles the user is assigned to.
Change Request Diffing
The diffing in a Change Request view can be shown or hidden when clicking the toggle. Formerly when the differ function was switched off, the content was not displayed properly. Now the bug has been fixed and when viewing the comparison window in the module view the content is displayed correctly.
01.11.2022 – Yonder Web Release 6.3.2
Yonder Reader
File Drop
When a file is assigned to a user in File Drop, the assigned user has access to the file, regardless of other roles the user is assigned to. See image for details.
Change Request Diffing
The diffing in a Change Request view can be shown or hidden when clicking the toggle. Formerly when the differ function was switched off, the content was not displayed properly. Now the bug has been fixed and when viewing the comparison window in the module view the content is displayed correctly.
17.10.2022 – Yonder Web Release 6.3.1
Yonder Reader
Reused Content
When the “Module view” is open the tab “Contexts” displays the Reused Content information correctly again.
My Tasks – Change
When opening a change from “My Tasks” and choosing the diff button, the labelling of the versions has been adjusted. From now on the “title of the version” and “effective from date” are shown as in the example below. See image for details.
The number of entries in „Chapters“ and „Documents“ is now displayed. See image for details.
Yonder Content Manager
Reused Content
An additional feature which allows Reused Content to be updated in an easy way has been added. You now can open a released document, even if a new draft already exists, and via “Edit” and “Update RC” update all reused content of this document (this is on a document level, so no need to click through each module with Reuse Content in it).
Please note that for this feature a specific role is needed, contact your Account Manager for details.
10.10.2022 – Yonder Web Release 6.3.0
Yonder Reader
Document Outline
The behavior of the outline has been improved, when moving to another chapter the outline does not close any more. -
Compliance Reports
A performance improvement for Compliance Reports has been made.
The Compliance Reports PDF layout has been optimized (page margins, font-size, width of table columns).
Archived documents are not included anymore in reports for current and upcoming changes. For past changes archived documents are included into the report depending on the selected point in time.
Several minor user interface improvements have been incorporated such as closing of drop-down lists, hide the 0% value in the percentage bar, improvement on role filtering and the visibility of the clear button.
Change Requests
When a Change Request was rejected (set obsolete) the module is unlocked, so that another Change Request can be generated. -
Notifications in the “My Tasks” list
Dashboard: Notifications in the “My Tasks” list which have been deleted are removed from the list and not visible anymore.
Change view within the document: Deleted notifications will be immediately removed (without a refresh).
Improvement of error message
In case of a non-existing module version, the error message has been corrected. The message that the module version does not exist is displayed.
Yonder Content Manager
PDF Export
The filtering of explicit tags in the pdf export has been improved.
In cases of pdf export failure, the error file could not be downloaded. This has been fixed and the error file is available again.
Change of effective date
The change of the effective date of a document is only possible for the latest revision.
16.09.2022 – Yonder Web Release 6.2.1
Yonder Reader
Mandatory Tags
Only users with dedicated Roles can see documents with the respective Mandatory Tags. Some wrong system behavior has been corrected. -
“My Workflow” Tab Filter and Search function
Now the Filter and Search function in the „My Workflow“ tab are always available in the same structure.
08.09.2022 – Yonder Web Release 6.2.0
Yonder Reader
Compliance Reports
The new feature “Compliance Reports” has now been developed, a feature some of you have been waiting for since a while.Available from the Yonder Reader using the side menu via the “Hamburger”, this feature allows you to now have full transparency about those user’s compliance regarding the “Read & Acknowledge” and “Read” tasks you set for them. It is possible for you to choose between different types of reports such as the completion of the “Read & Acknowledge” tasks for “current”, “upcoming” or even “past”. These can be selected using the tabs on the lefthand side of the viewing pane as shown here.
Filters such as “Documents”, “Users” or “Roles” enable you to drill down through the results to the level of a document, module (or chapter) or even down to a single user.
An example of a “current” report on a document level is shown here.
It is possible to save each report created and have access later again under “My reports”.
The administration and access to this feature is available via two roles which can be allocated in the Yonder User Management. This is done to respect data security of all information about specific users made available in the system.
To have a demonstration of this feature and for more details, please contact your Account Manager. -
Legal Links (such as IQSMS)
Change Requests that are created automatically based on a legal link will be displayed with additional information in the proposal text of the Change Request. It is now possible to open a comparison view that shows the original and revised legal information. -
The filtering behavior between the online and offline reader has been aligned. -
A search bug has been fixed. Now the search results only contain those of effective document versions. -
General improvements and bug fixes.
Yonder Admin Console
IQSMS Documents
Following different requests, we can now display the paragraph id of a regulation which is provided by ASQS. It is displayed in the module in Yonder as shown here. -
The wording in the meta data is now more consistent. Document revisions are now consistently called Revision, in line with the button as e.g., “Close Revision”. -
Publish Process
Publish jobs are now being queued properly and thus simultaneous publish jobs are possible. In addition, when the success message of the publish job is displayed it shows the document name of the published document. -
Code view
In some cases when switching from the code view to the edit view the new added content disappeared. This bug has been fixed. -
General improvements and bug fixes.
18.08.2022 – Yonder iOS App Release 6.1.2
- General improvements and bug fixes.
17.08.2022 – Yonder Web Release 6.1.2
Yonder Editor
- General improvements and bug fixes.
11.08.2022 – Yonder iOS App Release 6.1.1
- My Tasks:
The performance of “My Tasks” has been further improved. In addition, a bug (missing “Read & Acknowledge” button) has been fixed. - General improvements and bug fixes.
10.08.2022 – Yonder Web Release 6.1.1
Yonder Online Reader
General improvements and bug fixes.
Yonder Editor
General improvements and bug fixes.
04.08.2022 – Yonder Web Release 6.1.0
Yonder Online Reader
- Change Request:
The handling of Change Requests has been improved. With the new release the time for loading the Change Requests in the “Workflow” sidebar of a document has been massively reduced.
In addition, when opening a Change Request, the Change Request type is now displayed in the header (e. g. “Add Module”). - My Tasks:
Task notifications are now sent immediately when the document is released. On the dashboard the tasks are visible in the “My Tasks” tab immediately.
It is now possible to send out change notifications for newly created documents. - Dashboard:
The browser tabs have been renamed; Yonder Mind has been replaced by Yonder to reflect our corporate re-design. - General improvements and bug fixes.
Yonder Editor
- PDF Export – Metadata:
With the new version additional metadata are available in the PDF export for usage on the titlepage or in the page header or footer (e.g. the description of a document or the document ID). The custom stylesheets must be modified to output these new fields. - User Management:
Fixed the bug that the value displayed for the used licenses was incorrect. - General improvements and bug fixes.
04.08.2022 – Yonder iOS App Release 6.1.0
- My Tasks:
Task notifications are now sent immediately when the document is released. After synchronization the tasks are visible in the “My Tasks” tab on the dashboard immediately. - Scrolling in documents on older iOS devices (iPad Air 4) has been optimized.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
19.07.2022 – Yonder Web Release 6.0.3
Yonder Online Reader
General improvements and bug fixes.
Yonder Editor
General improvements and bug fixes
07.07.2022 – Yonder iOS App Release 6.0.2
General improvements and bug fixes.
05.07.2022 – Yonder Web Release 6.0.0
Yonder Online Reader
File drop:
The new feature “File Drop” is available with the new release of Yonder 6.0.0.
File Drop is an easy way to upload, manage and distribute uncontrolled PDF files within Yonder. In addition, memos, or simple notes (as temporary information) can be created, managed and distributed.
Both, PDF files and memos are accessed using the “Files” tab shown in the “Library” card on the Yonder Dashboard. They can be filtered similarly to other documents using the blue filter button.
For Admin Users the feature can be accessed via the dashboard “Hamburger” icon in the side bar under “File Drop”.
The File Drop feature will only be visible after the user has the corresponding rights assigned.
Your Account Manager will be happy to explain the details of this feature to you.
Notifications “My Workflow”:
In the “My Workflow” card of the Yonder Dashboard, notifications will no longer disappear immediately after being read, but will remain visible until deleted. They can be deleted, either individually or, when using the filter, a selection of the notifications can be deleted in bulk. (Please note that with individual deletion of the notifications there is no warning message, so an individual notification will be deleted immediately). -
Diffing visibility option:
When editing a Change Request the option to show or hide the diffing in the proposal text or draft version is now available. This is activated or de-activated using the small icon shown above the “Draft” or “Proposal” content window in a Change Request.
General improvements and bug fixes.
Yonder Editor
The IQSMS documents are now listed under a separate tab in the admin area called “IQSMS”. To see the new IQSMS Tab and documents the user must have the required permissions.
Entries in the documents list will remain hierarchically sorted even if a filter or sort is applied.
General improvements and bug fixes.
05.07.2022 – Yonder iOS App Release 6.0.1
File Drop content is now available in a separate tab under “Files“ in the „Library” card.
The pdf viewer now allows to print a pdf via the “open with” command.
General improvements and bug fixes.
09.06.2022 – Yonder Mind Web Release 5.21.0
Yonder Mind Reader
- Preparation for upcoming features as e. g. “File drop”.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
Yonder Mind Editor
- Preparation for upcoming features as e. g. “File drop”.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
12.05.2022 – Yonder Mind Web Release 5.20.0
Yonder Mind Reader
- Documents can now be archived in the Yonder Mind Editor with the following impact on the Yonder Mind Reader:
- Dashboard
- Archived documents are not visible in the document list.
- Notifications targeting archived content are not shown in the “My Task” list.
- Favorites on archived content are marked and can be deleted directly.
- Dashboard
- Links
- Inline links to archived content are replaced by the link text.
- Other links (e.g., legal, language) are marked as invalid.
- If the document is restored, such links are available again.
- Links
- The search ignores content of archived documents.
- Modules that are reused and belong to an archived document are marked with a hint. The content itself is not shown anymore.
- It is now possible to hide outdated revisions in the Yonder Mind Editor. Hidden revisions of a document are not available in the revision selector of a document.
- When opening a document from the dashboard and the first module is visible, the outline is not expanded anymore.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
Yonder Mind Editor
- It is now possible to archive documents.
- Users with a specific role can archive and access archived documents.
- Archived documents are listed in a separate tab and can still be opened.
- Archived documents can be restored.
Please reach out to your Account Manager for further details.
- In addition, outdated revisions can be hidden.
- Users with a specific role can hide outdated revisions of a document.
- In the document list a switch allows to include/exclude the hidden revisions.
- Hidden revisions can be unhidden again.
Please reach out to your Account Manager for further details.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
12.05.2022 – Yonder Mind iOS App Release 5.20.0
- With the new version of the App you can rotate the current page of a pdf document.
- Documents can now be archived in the Yonder Mind Editor with the following impact on the Yonder Mind iOS App:
- Dashboard
- Archived documents are not visible in the document list.
- Favorites on archived content are marked and can be deleted directly.
- Links:
- Inline links to archived content are replaced by the link text.
- Other links (e.g., legal, language, …) are marked as invalid.
- If the document is restored, such links are available again.
- Modules that are reused and belong to an archived document are filtered out.
- The search ignores content of archived documents.
- Dashboard
- It is now possible to hide outdated revisions in the Yonder Mind Editor. Hidden revisions of a document are not available in the revision selector of a document.
- When opening a document from the dashboard and the first module is visible, the outline is not expanded anymore.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
20.04.2022 – Yonder Mind iOS App Release 5.18.3
- The problem that changes in a document were not reflected in the app after executing a sync has been fixed. A restart or relogin is now not required anymore.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
13.04.2022 – Yonder Mind Web Release 5.19.0
Yonder Mind Reader
- When opening a favorite from the dashboard, the back button now loads the dashboard.
- In some cases, users were unable to comment on Change Requests. This issue has been fixed.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
Yonder Mind Editor
- When releasing a document in some cases the message “Document is being released” did not disappear, although the document has been released. This has been fixed.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
15.03.2022 – Yonder Mind Web Release 5.18.0
Yonder Mind Reader
- The performance of loading the Dashboard has been improved. Loading the list of documents is now much faster than before.
- In some cases, when editing a document there were issues connected to the “edit lock”. This has been fixed.
- A “Sort & Filter” has been added to the My Tasks list. This button is only shown if more than 5 entries are in the list.
- The search button within an invalid document has been disabled. From now on, when searching on document level, a search is only possible in valid (effective) versions.
- When a parent module is deleted (Change Request “Delete Module”) a warning is displayed that all children modules will be deleted as well.
- Performance improvements, general improvements, and bug fixes.
Yonder Mind Editor
- The loading speed for the list of documents in the Admin User Interface has been improved.
- The publish process has been improved.
- When editing a document more options for text alignment are now available.
- Performance improvements, general improvements, and bug fixes.
15.03.2022 – Yonder Mind iOS App Release 5.18.0
- Significant performance improvement when swiping between pages and navigating in the outline.
- The performance of the sync speed has been improved.
- A “Sort & Filter” has been added to the My Tasks list. This button is only shown if more than 5 entries are in the list.
- The search button within an invalid document has been disabled. From now on, when searching on document level, a search is only possible in valid (effective) versions.
- Performance improvements, general improvements, and bug fixes.
23.02.2022 – Yonder Mind iOS App Release 5.17.1
- The search functionality has been further improved. The known issue we mentioned in the last release notes, that the exact search using quotes “…” does not work has been fixed and the search now works on the current iOS App release.
15.02.2022 – Yonder Mind Web Release 5.17.0
Yonder Mind Reader
- The search functionality in Yonder Mind has been improved and now includes the exact search and proximity search functionality.
The exact search for e. g. “cabin crew”, shows the exact phrase in the exact order.
The proximity search for e. g. cabin crew allows you to find one term within a certain distance of another word irrespective of the order. In this case a result as “…crew. The cabin…” would be displayed as well.
Please note that due to technical limitations the search for e. g. “cabin crew” will also display “cabin crews” because it contains the same word stem.
- In some cases, in a temporary revision the global search did not consider and show the temporary revision of a module. As a result, the correct revision number being displayed but not the changed content. This has been fixed and now the correct content is shown.
- When filtering the available documents in the dashboard a document with a mandatory tag is now only shown if the corresponding filter is selected. If no mandatory filter is selected, no document is displayed.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
Yonder Mind Editor
- General improvements and bug fixes.
15.02.2022 – Yonder Mind iOS App Release 5.17.0
- General improvements and bug fixes.
- The search functionality in Yonder Mind has been improved and now includes the exact search and proximity search functionality.
The exact search for e. g. “cabin crew”, shows the exact phrase in the exact order.
The proximity search for e. g. cabin crew allows you to find one term within a certain distance of another word irrespective of the order. In this case a result as “…crew. The cabin…” would be displayed as well.
Please note that due to technical limitations the search for e. g. “cabin crew” will also display “cabin crews” because it contains the same word stem.
A known issue is that the search using quotes “…” doesn’t work on the iOS App release 5.17.0. This will be fixed with 5.17.1 next week.
01.02.2022 – Yonder Mind Web Release 5.16.0
Yonder Mind Reader
- If a selected Dashboard language was selected again, it was shown as “undefined”. This has been fixed.
- Under certain circumstances a white screen was shown when opening a Change Request notification. This has been fixed.
- The Add Change button in a Change Request has been inhibited if there are unpublished changes.
- In the Dashboard, the documents in the list “Last Used” Documents can now be pinned to keep them on top of the list.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
Yonder Mind Editor
- Setting a Content Flow within a Content Flow in some cases has led to issues in the Yonder Mind Reader. This has been fixed. Please note: a new publish of the respective document is necessary.
- Reused Content can now be updated to an effective date. If you are planning to use Reused Content or even have customized Reused Content, we kindly ask you to contact your Account Manager for more details.
- When copying a text with an internal link from Yonder Mind the link was broken. With this release, the link will now be removed, and its link text will be displayed.
- If a List of Changes is used in a document, it is now sorted automatically according to the occurrence of the Module in the outline. Previously, the List of Changes was sorted by the number of the Change Request.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
18.01.2022 – Yonder Mind Web Release 5.15.1
Yonder Mind Reader
- A bug has been fixed and now selected roles & filters are applied to search results.
- The number of notifications mentioned in the Yonder Mind summary email is now the same as in the “My Workflow” column.
18.01.2022 – Yonder Mind iOS App Release 5.15.1
- A bug has been fixed and now selected roles & filters are applied to search results.
- Under certain circumstances the swipe functionality did not work properly. This has been fixed.
06.01.2022 – Yonder Mind Web Release 5.15.0
Yonder Mind Reader
- Sort & Filter to “My Workflow”, similar to the one in “My Documents” has been added.
It is now possible to sort and filter notifications in the „My Workflow“ card on the dashboard. - Selected tabs on the dashboard are now persistent (during the session). For instance, when opening a document from the „Last Used“ tab in the dashboard, this tab will be again selected when returning to the dashboard.
- PDF exports can now be configured to show a change bar on changed module titles. The style packages must be adapted to enable the feature. Please contact your Account Manager for implementation of this feature.
- Under certain circumstances, the draft version of Change Requests was not shown correctly in the Change Request view. This has been fixed.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
Yonder Mind Editor
- The performance of the publishing process has been significantly improved.
- Notifications for Change Request types „Change Title“ and „Delete Content“ are now sent according to the visibility date of the document revision. That means the visibility date of the document revision is taken for all types of Change Requests.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
21.12.2021 – Yonder Mind Web Release 5.14.0
Yonder Mind Reader
- The summary email for notifications in Yonder Mind can now be switched on or off per tenant. Please contact your Account Manager to change this setting.
- My Tasks notifications are now prevented from being sent out unintentionally before the document is being released or visible.
- When a My Tasks notification pointing to an outdated document version is opened, an alert is shown as a popup to inform the end-user. This is in addition to the color-coding.
- A maintenance reminder will now be displayed to end-users before a maintenance window starts.
- The Sort & Filter functionality was added to the My Tasks section.
- A loading indicator was added for the workflow section within a document.
- Changes in the change sidebar in a document can now be sorted by their order in the outline.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
Yonder Mind Editor
- When a document is being released, the message “Document is releasing…” is now shown. Also, users are prevented from inadvertently initiating actions that might lead to technical issues.
- When copying a module to the clipboard (e. g. for links), an error message was shown when the module was already present in the clipboard. This has been changed and when copying a module to the clipboard that is already present it will overwrite the existing clipboard entry and no error is shown anymore.
- When copy and pasting text into Yonder Mind, the text will now be cleaned to prevent styling information from being taken into Yonder Mind.
- A new functionality was added for IQSMS customers to re-import an existing document again if this document has undergone changes.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
21.12.2021 – Yonder Mind iOS App Release 5.14.0
- When a My Tasks notification pointing to an outdated document version is opened, an alert is shown as a popup to inform the end-user. This is in addition to the color-coding.
- The Sort & Filter functionality was added to the My Tasks section.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
30.11.2021 – Yonder Mind Web Release 5.12.0
Yonder Mind Reader
- Favorites:
- A bug that led to favorites disappearing under certain conditions has been resolved.
- Filtering of favorites has been removed, so all personal favorites are always shown.
- Change Requests:
- Change Request Summary is now called Change Request Title. Since this is related to workflows, this will only become effective when a new workflow is triggered. The workflow files will be updated accordingly.
- Under certain circumstances, a change request proposal could become stuck loading. This has been corrected.
- The title of a document is now shown in the change request view.
- In the comparison view of a change, version labels are replaced by “Previous Version” and “Current Version”.
- The 20 last used documents are now visible in the Yonder Mind Dashboard. The respective tab has been added to the “Documents” column.
- In a document, users without workflow roles don’t see the workflow button and change request tab anymore.
- In the information module view under “Context”, the valid version and the revision draft version of documents were shown leading to two versions of the same document being visible. This has been corrected and only the current valid version is shown.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
Yonder Mind Editor
- As a first step to consolidating reused content, editing of the structure of reused content and adding modules inside a reused content structure has been disabled. Content can still be edited in the master document, of course.
- Yonder Mind now prevents editors from setting a content flow within a content flow.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
30.11.2021 – Yonder Mind iOS App Release 5.12.0
- The app version of the Yonder Mind iOS App is now being displayed in the iOS app settings.
- In the information module view, the “Context” tab has been removed to improve performance.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
02.11.2021 – Yonder Mind Web Release 5.11.0
Yonder Mind Reader
- Dashboard: Unused tabs were removed to only show functioning tabs. Removed tabs will come back if and when the respective functionality is available.
- Workflow notifications: Notifications in the “My Workflow” column now only show the newest notification for a given change request. This will greatly reduce the number of notifications shown.
- Content Flow Printing: It is now possible to print a content flow (called “current view”) from the Yonder Mind Reader. The printing functionality needs to be enabled in the Yonder Mind Editor and is then available under the three-dot menu within a document.
- Change Requests:
- Change markings in a change request are now also shown for both proposal and draft versions (but not when initially creating a new change request).
- The remaining characters for “CR Summary”, which is limited to 30 characters, are now shown.
- Remaining characters are also shown for comments, where the limit is 250 characters.
- Links tab in information module:
- Link types are shown in alphabetical order now.
- Inline links are not shown in the link tab anymore since they are part of the text of the information module.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
Yonder Mind Editor
- General improvements and bug fixes.
02.11.2021 – Yonder Mind iOS App Release 5.11.1
- Unused tabs were also removed on the Yonder Mind iOS App dashboard to only show functioning tabs.
- Opening certain file types could result in the app crashing. This bug has been fixed.
- The Yonder Mind version is now also shown in iOS settings and not just in the app.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
11.10.2021 – Yonder Mind Web Release 5.10.0
Yonder Mind Reader
- Only show current document revision: It is now possible to only show the current revision of a document to end-users. Previous revisions can still be accessed by users with the corresponding role. As default, all documents are shown to end-users. Please contact your account manager to change this setting.
- Effectivity and visibility for new documents: New documents with different effectivities and visibilities are now shown correctly in the dashboard.
- Change bar in PDF: When creating a PDF export, change bars now only show the text lines that have changed. Change bars can also be enabled/disabled in PDF stylings.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
Yonder Mind Editor
- Effectivity date: Once a document is release, the effectivity date cannot be changed anymore.
11.10.2021 – Yonder Mind iOS App Release 5.10.0
- Only show current document revision as described above.
- Effectivity and visibility for new documents as described above.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
07.09.2021 – Yonder Mind Web Release 5.9.0
Yonder Mind Reader
- In complex documents, it was possible to add a change request even though the parent module has been deleted by a previous change request in the same revision. This has been fixed and Yonder Mind now prevents the creation of change requests if the parent module has been deleted.
- A new trigger has been added to links to allow the creation of a change request when another change request is in status “Ready for Publish”. This is important for language links allowing to translate the change request in a translated document before the master document is being released.
- Under certain conditions, the browser became unresponsive when adding a large module to the clipboard. This has been fixed.
- General improvements and bug fixes are also included in this release.
07.09.2021 – Yonder Mind iOS App Release 5.9.0
- General improvements and bug fixes.
17.08.2021 – Yonder Mind Web Release 5.8.0
Yonder Mind Reader
- General Sort & Filter: Lists in Yonder Mind can now be sorted and filtered by certain criteria to reduce and organize the shown list elements. Lists with general sort & filter enabled will show a filter icon in the bottom right corner. Currently, general sort & filter is available on the following list with additional lists being added in the future:
- Documents within the dashboard
- Changes in the sidebar view a document
- Change Requests in a workflow in the sidebar view in a document
Caution: With the introduction of this feature only released documents are shown on the dashboard by default. To show draft documents change the filter status in general sort & filter to show drafts.
- Improved Change Request handling:
- It was possible to issue a delete change request on a particular module and then open another change request on the same module in the same revision. This has been fixed and a delete change request will now block the creation of any additional change requests on the particular module as soon as it has been opened.
- For better user guidance, the change request buttons “Add Content” and “Delete Content” have been renamed to “Add Module” and “Delete Module”.
- Under certain conditions when loading the draft version of a change request, the import job failed but this would not be indicated to the user properly. This has been fixed and an error message will now be displayed.
- Yonder Mind is now also available in French and Italian. This is in addition to English and German.
- General improvements and bug fixes are also included in this release.
Yonder Mind Editor
- A report can now be generated that shows to which modules in other documents a given document is linked. This allows to create two types of reports:
- Starting from a regulatory document: to which modules in other documents are the modules in this regulatory document linked.
- Starting from non-regulatory document: to which modules in which regulatory documents are the modules in this document linked.
Caution: Setup for this report type needs to be requested from Yonder.
17.08.2021 – Yonder Mind iOS App Release 5.8.0
- The Yonder Mind Offline App is now also available in French and Italian. This is in addition to English and German.
- General Sort & Filter as described above is also available for the Yonder Mind Offline App if the respective lists are present in the app.
27.07.2021 – Yonder Mind Web Release 5.7.0
Yonder Mind Reader
- When editing the draft version of a change request, a diffing to the current version is now shown. This works like track change and the diffing looks the same as it will be shown to end-users when the change is released.
- Change notifications can now be added to a change request before the change request is closed (usually status “Ready for Publish”). This allows editors to determine who should be notified about a change at an earlier stage in the workflow.
Yonder Mind Editor
- Performance has been improved when importing IQSMS regulations.
- For customers using the Lido OM-C importer: change information can now be automatically imported to see this information in the corresponding change request.
06.07.2021 – Yonder Mind Web Release 5.6.0
Yonder Mind Reader
- Under certain circumstances, there was a mismatch between documents in IQSMS and Yonder Mind. This has been resolved.
- Under the hood improvements and bug fixes.
Yonder Mind Editor
- Individual information modules can now be numbered automatically or manually. A respective tik-box was added to “Metadata” in the individual documents. Nothing will change for already existing documents.
06.07.2021 – Yonder Mind iOS App Release 5.6.0
- Night mode:
Night mode is now also available on the Yonder Mind iOS App. It is tied to the iOS dark mode setting and Yonder Mind will automatically switch to night mode when the device is set to dark mode. - Hybrid login:
As with the Yonder Mind Reader on desktop, it is now possible to use both username and password as well as Single Sign On (SSO) in the same tenant. For all customers using either username and password or SSO, login will stay the same.
15.06.2021 – Yonder Mind Web Release 5.5.0
Yonder Mind Reader
- Multilanguage user interface:
The language of the Yonder Mind Reader can now be changed. For the moment, only English and German are available but other languages will follow in the near future. - Hybrid login:
It is now possible to use both username and password as well as Single Sign On (SSO) in the same tenant. For all customers using either username and password or SSO, login will stay the same. - Revision bars:
Revision bars are black now. Blue bars are still used for modules in draft. - Loading speed:
The loading speed of the Yonder Mind Reader dashboard has been improved. - A lot of small improvements are also part of this release.
Yonder Mind Editor
- User Management:
Users can now be managed directly in the Yonder Mind Editor. Administrators with the appropriate rights can add users to groups and assign roles. This also works with AD integration. User management requires a specific role to become visible in the Yonder Mind Editor.
01.06.2021 – Yonder Mind iOS App Release 5.4.0
- Text size:
End-users can now also change the text size in a document in the iOS app. After opening a document, click on the three-dots-icon in the top right corner and select the desired text size. - Sync bug fix:
Under certain conditions, the indexing of new and revised content wasn’t synchronized properly to iOS. This bug has been fixed.
25.05.2021 – Yonder Mind Web Release 5.4.0
Yonder Mind Reader
- Printing documents by end-users:
- It is now possible for end-users to print documents directly in the Yonder Mind Reader. After opening the desired document, a user with the appropriate rights (role “ad-print” required) can print a document by clicking on the three-dots-icon in the top right corner and select “Print Document”. The print job will then run in the background and a popup will appear once the printed document is ready to download. Yonder Mind can still be used while a print job is running.
- This functionality needs to be setup in the Yonder Mind Editor per document before being available in the Yonder Mind Reader. To setup the print functionality, go to the respective document, select the tab “Export” (make sure to be in edit mode) and setup the print profile (this only works for PDF). Different print profiles can be setup for different documents resulting in differently styled PDFs.
- When a document is printed in the Yonder Mind Reader, it will also appear in the Yonder Mind Editor under “Export”. We recommend to regularly clean the printed documents in the Yonder Mond Editor and delete old exports.
- Text size:
End-users can now change the text size in a document. After opening a document, click on the three-dots-icon in the top right corner and select the desired text size. - Three-Line-Menu:
Night Mode and Role Settings have been moved to the top part of the menu.
Yonder Mind Editor
- No changes were made to the Yonder Mind Editor expect for the above-mentioned print profile setup.
17.05.2021 – Yonder Mind iOS App Release 5.3.4
- Zoom:
It is now possible to zoom pictures. Simply click on a picture in a document and use the pinch-to-zoom-gesture. - Logout bug fix:
Under certain conditions, an auto logout was triggered. This bug has been fixed.