Easier for users, more efficient for companies
Getting the most mileage out of your important information? Yonder lets you do just that in a way that‘s simple, smart and specific to your needs. Making Yonder invaluable in every organization that produces business-critical content. The result: an absolutely reliable way to deliver customized information to your employees.
The sky is not the limit: Why Yonder is a high-flying solution ‒ in aviation and beyond
The world of aviation is one of controlled processes and regulated procedures coupled with great responsibility, making professional information management of paramount importance. That’s why Yonder was initially launched for use in the airline community, where our software continues to demonstrate its effectiveness daily. But access to clear and completely reliable content is also crucial elsewhere. As a result, we’ve developed an information architecture that provides coherent solutions for complex challenges across many use cases – not just in the air, but on the ground too.
Yonder brings operations manuals and aircraft manufacturers’ handbooks together in one place. The solution’s smart features ‒ including intuitive dashboards, role-specific updates and a responsive offline app ‒ make life much easier for aircrews and ground staff alike. But Yonder has many advantages for editors and authors too: as well as making it simple to cross-reference content and avoid duplicates, it offers fully-integrated approval and publication processes.
Our highlights
- User- and task-specific information management
- Automated revision management syncing manufacturers' and operations manuals
- Manual and compliance connectors

Control centers
The right information at the right time: coherent information management is a must for control centers and high-reliability organizations. This is where Yonder comes into its own: users can navigate through the system intuitively and set up role- and task-specific filters that distill the document content, ensuring that only the text that really matters is displayed in a given context. That way, your employees never lose sight of the big picture, even in an emergency.
Our highlights
- Document content matched to roles and tasks
- Dynamic search function
- Personalized change updates
Frontline staff and decentralized organizations
From global logistics companies to military operators – Yonder is the ideal platform for complex information management in decentralized organizations. Yonder has two major advantages: companies constantly remain in full control of all published content and frontline staff can quickly find the information they’re looking for. Information they know they can always fully rely on.
Our highlights
- Relevant information displayed dynamically
- Documents available offline via smartphone and tablet
- Smart study cards make memorizing new processes easy

Quality management & compliance
A high level of information security that consistently meets all the necessary requirements: Yonder bridges the gap between quality management, compliance and your employees. Impressive features include integrated links to the underlying regulatory material that allow Yonder to trigger automated updates ‒ in more than one language ‒ whenever the relevant regulations change.
Our highlights
- Information linked to internal and external regulations and standards
- Document-specific revision and approval processes
- Seamless revision trail for internal and external audits
Getting to grips with complexity: intelligent information and smart processes
Whether you’re a large multinational or an SME, Yonder is a groundbreaking solution that lets you keep track of operations manuals, regulations, guidelines and standards, clearly and efficiently. When it comes to information management, it’s quality not quantity that counts. Yonder’s digital content ecosystem, noted for its dynamic approach, guarantees your information meets these high quality standards. And that means your people always get the right information at the right time.